Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vegan MoFo: Pièce de résistance

After trying my first piece of vegan cheesecake last week, I was in love. Before becoming vegan, I loved cheesecake. I was wary of trying vegan cheesecake because I didn't want to be disappointed. Now I'm hooked.

I made this double layer pumpkin cheesecake from FatFree Vegan for our dessert last night. This, of course, is not a fat-free recipe. Regardless, this is the perfect for Thanksgiving or any other day of the year.

The picture doesn't do it justice. And according to my grandparents, it could even fool non-vegans.

1 comment:

Bex said...

fat free vegan is where it's at. She works some magic. That looks fantastic.